By purchasing an admission ticket for Gent van Wacht, visitors agree to the General Terms and Conditions, prepared by IREA VZW (“the Organiser”).

Opening hours of the Event: doors open at 18:00.

The Organiser reserves the right to refuse visitors upon arrival at the location. Only visitors who are in possession of a legitimate Bevrijdingsticket that was bought on the official channel will be admitted to the event.



1.1 Anyone entering the Gent van Wacht venue declares to have agreed to these General Terms and Conditions upon purchasing their tickets.

1.2 Anyone who fails to comply with these General Terms and Conditions may be refused admission to or ejected from Gent van Wacht. The Organisation reserves the right to ban anyone who fails to comply with the General Terms and Conditions.



2.1 All visitors who present themselves to the entrance of the event grounds must be in the possession of a valid ticket registered in their name.

2.2 A Bevrijdingsticket grants one (1) person admission for which an admission ticket is purchased. Anyone in the possession of a ticket enters the event at his/her own risk.

2.3 The minimum age for the event is 21 years. Any person born in 2001 will not be allowed admittance, even if the age of 21 will be reached before the event. There will be no exception to this rule, not even if the person concerned is accompanied by a parent, guardian and/or other adult.

2.4 For security reasons, visitors  will not be allowed to re-enter the venue. 

2.5 The Organiser reserves the right to prosecute any holder of forged admission tickets.



3.1 Tickets are not refundable, whatever the reason for this request may be.

3.2 All registered and valid tickets must be scanned upon entering the event.

3.3 The Organiser reserves the right to verify the identity of the visitors upon entering the venue. If a visitor is unable to identify him/herself, he/she will be refused admission to the venue, without any right to a refund of the admission price. Valid proofs of identity include: a valid ID, passport, or driver’s license.

The name on the proof of identity must be the same as the name in which the ticket is registered. Copies of identity papers are not accepted. The Security Act expressly applies.



4.1 Admission to the event may be denied, and visitors may be ejected from the venue (without any entitlement to a refund of the admission price) if a visitor:
(the following list is non-exhaustive)

  • is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

  • is in the possession of alcohol or drugs, or deals the before stated

  • was previously refused admission to other events / meetings by the Organiser or other authorities;

  • shows behavior that is evidently aimed at disturbing the peace, provoking, or inciting to violence, hate, anger, xenophobia, race hate, etc.;

  • puts the lives of other visitors at risk;

  • is in the possession of banned objects;

  • refuses to be searched/patted down by security personnel;

  • refuses or fails to comply with the General Terms and Conditions.



5.1      Access control is in conformity with the applicable laws and is aimed at preventing weapons or hazardous substances that may disrupt the goings-on at the event or put the safety of the visitors at risk from entering the grounds.

5.2      The following items are banned from the event:
(the following list is non-exhaustive) 

  • own food and drinks;

  • drugs or other mind-enhancing substances;

  • deodorant or perfume in containers larger than 100ml

  • any other objects (umbrellas, parasols, camera tripods, laser pens, etc. …) of which the security personnel decide that they pose a risk to the other visitors of the festival;

  • projectiles or explosives in solid, liquid or gas form;

  • flammable products or materials & spray cans;

  • pyrotechnical objects (fireworks, torches, etc.);

  • any other weapons or sharp, pointy objects (sticks, chains, knives, …);

  • banners or items bearing discriminating and/or provocative texts or expressions that may be used in an attempt to disrupt the peace, or that may endanger the safety of the crowd and/or may cause injuries or damage to people and goods;

  • animals (except for guide dogs);

  • drones.



6.1 Visitors to the event are not allowed to:
(the following list is non-exhaustive) 

  • Enter zones to which they are not allowed admission;

  • climb on tents, constructions, fences, light bridges, benches, or any other structures at the venue;

  • block entrances, exits and emergency exits;

  • disguise themselves in order to make themselves unrecognizable with the intention to disturb the peace or put the safety of the other visitors at risk;

  • sell food, drinks or other products without the express permission of the Organiser;

  • throw or shoot objects in solid, liquid or gas form;

  • smoke where smoking is banned;

  • urinate in public;

  • wear full face masks (masks, morphsuites etc.);

  • park a vehicle without an official parking sticker issued by the Organiser. Cars may be towed at the owner’s expense;

  • tearing down, breaking, or trashing decorations;

  • steal decorations or any other material belonging to the Organiser;

  • make fire;

  • do crowd surfing.



7.1 Wearing texts, symbols, objects, clothes and/or other (visible) external expressions explicitly representing a political, social movement, or group is prohibited. Anything that hints at discrimination, incitement, or racism is strictly prohibited.



8.1 Anyone who is present at the event/venue must obey the instructions and directions of the Organiser or its authorised representatives at the event site at all times, in order to ensure the public order and safety during the evening.



9.1   For safety reasons the Organiser reserves the right:

  • to interrupt or discontinue the event;

  • to prevent visitors at the event from leaving the venue until further notice;

  • to ask visitors to leave the venue;

  • to refuse visitors admission to the venue, even if they possess valid admission.

9.2 The Organiser may find himself forced to change or alter the program. In this event the admission ticket will not be refunded or exchanged.



10.1  Through these general terms and conditions, the Organiser informs all visitors of the fact that the Organiser collects data to prevent or detect unlawful behaviour, to protect or enforce legal rights and for security reasons. This concerns the following personal data: first name, last name, date of birth and country of residence. Where permitted by law, the Organiser may also share this personal data (first name, last name, date of birth and country of residence) to government agencies or other authorised bodies, to protect or enforce his rights or the rights of third parties, or in the detection and prevention of fraud or other crimes. These government agencies or authorized bodies may give the Organiser a negative advise concerning the access of a ticket holder. In this case the Organiser refuse a ticketholder admission to the event or evict that person from the event. The ticket holder will not have any right to compensation of damages.

10.2 To be able to execute your purchase, the Organizer needs to share your data with third parties. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, you explicitly give consent to share your data with the following parties for the following objectives.

10.2.1 The Organiser may share your data with the following objectives:

  • Booking of hotels, trains and busses

  • Cashless top-ups, cashless payments or refunds

  • Check-in procedures and hospitality facilities (to make sure you find your way to your shuttle or bus, to make your festival experience easier)

  • Where permitted by law criminal records of ticket holders can be checked by the government agencies and in case of a negative advise by these government agencies, ticket holders can be blocked from the festival

  • Ticket providers

  • Reporting and statistics about visitors

  • Security, safety and health measurements

  • Ticket and payment processing

  • Transactional e-mails

10.2.2 The Organiser may share your data with the following parties:

  • Booking companies

  • Cashless payments partner

  • Hospitality staff at check-in points

  • Local and federal governments

  • Mailing companies

  • Operational staff on site

  • Payment processing companies

  • Printing companies

  • Safety and health companies and staff (such as security or first aid personnel)

  • Transportation companies

10.2.3 In case you want to use your right to be forgotten, the Organiser needs to erase all your personal data and can no longer offer you any services necessary to fulfill your order nor give you access to the event. In this case the order will not be refunded.

10.3   By entering the event, all visitors automatically consent to being photographed or filmed and herewith grant the Organiser permission to use and/or broadcast these digital images. The Organiser may use these digital images for promotional and/or commercial purposes related to the event. Images may furthermore be recorded and stored by the police and/or Organiser for maintaining and enforcing the security on the festival grounds, and to prevent, investigate and punish crimes and breaches of the General Terms and Conditions by establishing the identity of the perpetrators using these digital images.

10.4   All visitors are entitled to object to the use of their data by notifying the Organiser of their objection in writing ( All visitors may furthermore request the Organiser in writing to change, modify or delete their personal data.

10.5.1 If the Main Buyer wishes to use his right to be forgotten, he acknowledges that the Organiser can no longer fulfill his order nor give access to the event. The Main Buyer will not be entitled to a refund.

10.5.2 If one of the personalized guests of the Main Buyer uses his right to be forgotten, he acknowledges that the Organiser can no longer fulfill this ticket nor give access to the event. The Main Buyer will not be entitled to a refund.

10.6 All photographs and film shot by visitors on the event may only be used for commercial or public purposes with the prior written consent of the Organiser.

10.7 Visitors to the event are not allowed to make or broadcast (semi) professional (livestream) video and/or audio recordings at the venue without the prior written consent of the Organiser. This prohibition also applies to the use and/or publication of these (semi) professional (livestream) video and/or audio recordings after the end of the festival without the prior written consent of the Organiser.



11.1 All visitors to the event are required to cooperate with keeping the venue and its surroundings clean and tidy, including by using the waste collection points on site, in its surroundings, and at the parking lots.



12.1 It is prohibited to distribute flyers or hang up posters within or outside the venue during the event.



13.1 This event applies a zero tolerance policy concerning drugs.

13.2 Using, dealing in, or possession of drugs in or around the venue is strictly prohibited. If proof hereof is found, through strict surveillance and inspection, the person involved will be removed from the event.

13.3 If a visitor is prescribed certain drugs for health reasons, he/she must present a valid medical certificate before being allowed to bring the specific drugs onto the venue.

13.4 All directions and instructions given by the security personnel must be obeyed immediately. If possession of banned or dangerous weapons is suspected, the security personnel will be entitled to make a search. Refusal to submit to a search may result in being removed from the event.



14.1 The event provide means to buy vouchers by card payment. Voucher booths are installed to buy/load vouchers, which can be done in cash or by debit card. All food, drinks and other purchases must be paid for in vouchers.



15.1   A cloakroom is provided at the venue.

15.2   When making use of the cloakroom, the visitor expressly agrees to indemnify the Organiser against any liability for damage to and/or theft of goods that are stored in the cloakroom.



16.1 There are parking facilities near the venue.  It is not possible to book a specific parking place.

16.2 The visitor expressly agrees to indemnify the Organiser against any liability for damage caused to, theft of, or other accidents occurring with vehicles or persons on the parking facilities.



17.1 People with a disability may enter the venue using an elevator and coming from the underground parking lot. They are allowed to be accompanied in the elevator by up to two carers. These carers have to be in possession of a valid ticket with their name.

17.2 Easy access to all rooms can not be guaranteed before the event. The Organiser will however offer assistance to visitors with a disability where needed.



18.1 The Organiser is solely liable for direct damage suffered by a visitor that is directly and solely caused by a breach on the part of the Organiser. However, only damages for which the Organiser is insured and in respect of which the insurer is willing to pay is eligible for compensation. Excluded from compensation are: (i) consequential damage, (ii) immaterial damage (iii) and intentional damage or damage caused by willful recklessness of the visitor.

18.2 All visitors enter the parking areas and event site at their own risk, in the sense that the Organiser is not liable for any damage caused in connection with entering or being on the site and/or attending concerts, such as hearing damage, eye damage, and other physical disorders.



19.1 The Organiser may only cancel or postpone the event in case of force majeure or if the Organiser has another demonstrable compelling reason to cancel or postpone the event. Force majeure events include but are not limited to: terrorist threats, terrorist attacks, inclement weather, strikes, fire, war, government intervention, pandemics, illness of artists, failure of and/or delays in technical facilities, failure of and/or delays in means of transport, etc.

19.2 If a visitor wishes to cancel his/her admission ticket due to concerns over terrorist threats and/or attacks, the purchase price will in no event be refunded.



20.1 These General Rules and Conditions are exclusively governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with Belgian law, with the exclusion of the rules on conflict of laws.

20.2 Any disputes that can not be handled on the event itself will be exclusively referred to the competent court in Belgium.

20.3 If any provision in these General Rules and Conditions, or any part thereof is, or is declared, invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions of these General Rules and Conditions or the remaining part of that provision will remain in full force and this provision will be automatically replaced (by operation of law) by a valid provision that corresponds with the purport of the invalid provision as much as possible.

20.4 These General Rules and Conditions may be altered at any time, without notice and with retroactivity.